If you have purchased directly via the Healthy Mummy website you need to login to your account and under your name select 'My Subscriptions' . Click on the subscription you would like to pause, cancel or switch and choose Change Subscription. This will take you to a page where you can cancel, switch or pause your…
We are sorry to hear that you wish to cancel. Cancelling your subscription has to be completed by you and the method will depend on how you purchased your Healthy Mummy Subscription. You purchased your subscription through Apple iTunes & App store. You purchased your subscription through Google Play. You purchased…
Yes, you can cancel your Healthy Mummy membership* at any time. Please consider which membership you have, and review the below steps on how to cancel. You will continue to have access to the Healthy Mummy App for the remainder of the period you have paid for. For example, if you are on a monthly subscription and…