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Showing articles from smoothies tag

Can I take Breastfeeding Plus and Super Greens?

Yes you can.  You can also take both with our smoothies.

Does the Sneakylicious Smoothie flavour contain nuts?

The Healthy Mummy Smoothie flavour Sneakylicious is an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients and important antioxidants. It does not contain nuts. Read more about Sneakylicious and purchase it here .

Do The Healthy Mummy Smoothies contain appetite suppressants?

No our smoothies do not contain any appetite suppressants. They are formulated meal replacements that comply with the compositional requirements set out by FSANZ for formulated meal replacements in relation to energy, protein and vitamins and minerals.

I am a grandma, can I drink the smoothies?

Absolutely, we have ladies of all ages enjoying our smoothies.  Our smoothies are a great way of supplementing your diet or can act as a meal replacement.  The smoothies can aid your weight loss journey and can be used as part of your meal plan when following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

How much sugar are in the smoothies?

Our smoothies are over 96% sugar free, in fact contain only about 1.5-2.5% sugar. There are a number of ingredients that contribute some amount of incidental sugars, however the largest contributor is naturally occurring sugars in the Rice Bran Powder.  There are no directly added sugars, only materials that have so…

What is the difference between the normal Healthy Mummy Smoothie and the Pregnancy Smoothie?

The Pregnancy smoothie has additional protein, calcium, iron and key nutrients needed in pregnancy. The normal smoothie is focused on post pregnancy and doesn't contain all the extra nutrients needed in pregnancy. If you do have the original and non pregnancy one please note that they do not have any caffeine, chemic…

Can I use the Healthy Mummy Smoothies on the Challenge?

Yes, you can. The Challenge is a complete 28 days of meals, food and recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts, but if you want to swap some of the breakfasts or lunches for Healthy Mummy Smoothies that’s fine. Our Smoothies can be adapted and we have provided smoothie recipe ideas for inspiration t…

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