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Home > Healthy Mummy Products > Premium Smoothies > What is the difference between the Premium Smoothie and the Tummy Smoothie?
What is the difference between the Premium Smoothie and the Tummy Smoothie?
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The Premium Smoothie is a weight loss meal replacement based on a whey based premium protein based and containing 23 vitamins and minerals and pro-biotics. The Premium Smoothie has a more intense flavour and an even more creamier and smoother taste.


The Tummy smoothie is a meal replacement (containing our Healthy Mummy Tummy Complex) which is designed to support the gut and digestive tract, promoting healing and encouraging a healthy microbiome.  The Tummy smoothie is predominantly soy based with a small amount of whey protein.  You can choose to alternate between the two based on your own needs or preferences.

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