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How do I search for other meal options?
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1. When you click on the “SWAP” button on a recipe you will be taken to the Search section of the Recipe Hub.

2. You can search for recipes by their title or ingredient or you can add in other filters e.g. the type of meal you’re looking for such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, dietary restrictions e.g. gluten free, dairy as well as by Challenge themes.

3. In the search library you can choose “popular” meals by ticking the “popular” box and this will filter the most popular choices depending on the other filters you’ve added to your search.

4. You can also choose the minimum and/or maximum number of calories you want the recipes to be which is great if you're looking to reach a certain daily calorie total.

5. The Favourites tab also appears in the Search library and you can click on this to see all the recipes you have chosen as Favourites, to make it faster to find your personal choices.

6. You can also search through the whole Recipe Hub by choosing the MEALS icon at the bottom the App screen and choosing RECIPE HUB.

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